Archive for the ‘Daily Reflections’ Category


25 October, 2011

I am a Sunset person. I love Sunsets. I will feel as if I have attained Self-Actualisation ( Maslow’s equivalent of Nirvana but in the sense or domain of This world ) whenever I  witness a Sunset. And it is not everyday that I could practically see the Sun vanishing behind the horizon or the skyline, amidst the dense dark clouds. Not seeing the Sun but clouds during Sunset does not qualify as a Sunset for me. Instead, I will deemed it a sad moment. It hurts me that the Sun has not waved goodbye with its incandescent rays of its light at me  during its last final show of brilliance for the day.

This is the moment I will look forward to all day. If I ever feel down for whatever comes to me on that day, I will try to find a good observing spot, be it whether at the balcony of my own home, at the topmost storey of a high rise building, or simply on an open field with a an unobstructive view, to watch the Sun go down. It then elevates me. It enlightens me. It gives me hope. It makes me happy. It makes me fall in love.

I prefer Sunset to Sunrise. Sunrise do not hold as much power of beauty over me as do Sunset.  It seems ironic. Normally, the symbolisation of a Sunrise would give hope to people. I can’t seem to pinpoint exactly the cause of my feelings for Sunset. Hmm…

My Royal Wedding

11 October, 2011

It feels like a very good day today. I feel so alive!

And so I will write something today. Three things come to my mind. Cats, weddings and … erm. Hmm… my memory fails me once again.

Anyways, I cannot keep up with writing 1 post a day because school is literally “killing me softly”. I may have whined too much about school for the past several post. So to prevent anymore whining, I will change my resolution to writing one post a week. That will do it.

Cats. I love cats. I saw one which seems to be a unique breed. It was small built, probably just barely reaching adulthood. Its tail was like that of a raccoon’s. And its relatively huge ears reminded me of two halved radar dishes on a leopard. Its fur was as gray as Gandalf’s hat. I have to find out what breed is that? It was so adorable I have to get one. Now! But what perplexed me at that moment was realising that the cat could not have belong to anybody near that vicinity. Where did it come from? Could it actually be a lost cat? It gave a stupefied millisecond look when I approached, ran like a frigtened mouse and stopped to look back if its pursuer was still chasing after it. Poor cat. I had that great urge to capture it and make my home its home. But circumstances had prevented me from doing that.

I had attended two weddings for the past week. “When will it be my turn?” is the ebbing question in my head. Not in at least 5 years from now, says my calculative and cold logical part of my brain. And then an idea, an insight, occured to me. If I were to get married, I would want to live like a King for my wedding day. And of course, my bride, a Queen. Seriously. Plough the traditional wedding ceremony. We don’t need that anymore to celebrate one of our biggest days of our lives.

I will be dressed up like King Arthur. With the Excalibur at my side. Complete with a magnificent gold Crown on my head. My best man would be the Commander of the Kingsguard. And it will be a Royal Wedding set during the Medieval times. When Me and my Queen arrived in a royal Cart, all the guards would bow down until we were seated on our Thrones. I would announce in the Royal court with my Kingly voice to declare that day a public holiday (it would never go official). Ah. The life of a King for just one day would be a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

All that said, I had yet to find someone worthy to be my Queen.

If I have a super-power

5 October, 2011

… it will be ability not sleep at all. I know this isn’t exactly a super-power to save people’s lives but it would definitely benefit me in acquiring all the time in the world to do all the things I have always wanted to do throughout the day and the night, everyday.

Doing this is frustrating. It is challenging for me to find time and to muster all strength just to put a single entry into this journal each day. THIS entry is arduous.
I had a good run yesterday, but came home exhausted mentally and physically. I turned in early without even doing my homework.

It could be the little part lazy of me contributing to this unfortunate circumstance. I have a lot of things to write about since Sunday, but I have been putting them off due to school work mostly. Ah, yes. School.

I have especially something to write about what happened yesterday. ♥

Another tiring day at school.

3 October, 2011

I’m soo t i r . . .

Terrible Maths Day – Creative thinking vs Logical Sense

1 October, 2011

I had a bad maths day today. In effect, I am currently devoid of any enlghtening mood to write about anything now.

The solutions I wrote earlier today to the math problems I had to solve nearly did not make sense to me. I’m drained of mental energy. Using quadratic forms for the equation to find the maximum area of a plot of land for a baffled farmer, I discovered I could not make a short cut which seems logical to me to the right answer. In fact, my “logical” way of solving this problem gave a different answer to the conventional way. But my logical way should have produced the same answer as the conventional way! Argh!!!

I love mathematics but just show me the Magic, not make me a Magician.

Or maybe my brain performance is not up to speed. Or maybe I’m thinking out of the box too much. Which brings me to this food for thought. Can creative thinking defies common sense and in a way makes you less smart? Or, people with too much common sense rarely exhibit creativity. Probably that’s why the goal-oriented Singaporeans totally lacks creativity but the whacky Japanese has full of them.

*Sighs* I can write only this much today…

After Sooo Long …

30 September, 2011

I completely forgot about this blog site I set up about THREE and a HALF years ago! This realisation came into my mind the moment I saw “WordPress” as one of Google’s results when I type in “journal application” as keywords. Aren’t they smart?

I have to brush up on my writing skills tremendously. Even more now that I am in Digipen. Just look at my structure for this post. It’s so academic and boring. I need creative styles in my writing, in order to achieve an “A” grade in my English Composition. And also to succeed in life (as a movie director or game designer).

I have made a resolution to write about something for at least 15 to 30 mins, every day, without fail. I have also made a resolution to draw something for about half an hour everyday. The degree program I am in at Digipen requires a whole tanker of immense creativity and I am determined to up my level from 1 to over 9000!

Wish me luck for the next 2 years.

The Extra-Day.

29 February, 2008

Just wanna put in something today. Today is special because it would be the only day in 4 years where we would inaugurably write the lucky number 29 next to the short-lived Feb.