Posts Tagged ‘cats’

My Royal Wedding

11 October, 2011

It feels like a very good day today. I feel so alive!

And so I will write something today. Three things come to my mind. Cats, weddings and … erm. Hmm… my memory fails me once again.

Anyways, I cannot keep up with writing 1 post a day because school is literally “killing me softly”. I may have whined too much about school for the past several post. So to prevent anymore whining, I will change my resolution to writing one post a week. That will do it.

Cats. I love cats. I saw one which seems to be a unique breed. It was small built, probably just barely reaching adulthood. Its tail was like that of a raccoon’s. And its relatively huge ears reminded me of two halved radar dishes on a leopard. Its fur was as gray as Gandalf’s hat. I have to find out what breed is that? It was so adorable I have to get one. Now! But what perplexed me at that moment was realising that the cat could not have belong to anybody near that vicinity. Where did it come from? Could it actually be a lost cat? It gave a stupefied millisecond look when I approached, ran like a frigtened mouse and stopped to look back if its pursuer was still chasing after it. Poor cat. I had that great urge to capture it and make my home its home. But circumstances had prevented me from doing that.

I had attended two weddings for the past week. “When will it be my turn?” is the ebbing question in my head. Not in at least 5 years from now, says my calculative and cold logical part of my brain. And then an idea, an insight, occured to me. If I were to get married, I would want to live like a King for my wedding day. And of course, my bride, a Queen. Seriously. Plough the traditional wedding ceremony. We don’t need that anymore to celebrate one of our biggest days of our lives.

I will be dressed up like King Arthur. With the Excalibur at my side. Complete with a magnificent gold Crown on my head. My best man would be the Commander of the Kingsguard. And it will be a Royal Wedding set during the Medieval times. When Me and my Queen arrived in a royal Cart, all the guards would bow down until we were seated on our Thrones. I would announce in the Royal court with my Kingly voice to declare that day a public holiday (it would never go official). Ah. The life of a King for just one day would be a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

All that said, I had yet to find someone worthy to be my Queen.